31 August 2009

To market to market to buy a fat PARSNIP??

What can I say, I am lucky. I live in an area up to it's ears in farmers markets. From May to October nary a day goes by without a market. I enjoy watching as the seasons progress and noticing the changes as the asparagus comes and goes and the tomatoes come on the scene. Soon it will be pumpkins and gourds and here in Minnesota it's apples. A little bit of trivia, the much loved Honey Crisp apple, you have Minnesota to thank for it.

There is a thought post gastric bypass that you will begin to crave healthier foods. Samuel T. Stanley talks about this and his journey in the Atlantic Monthly. While I agree with him that the brain is really not rewiring itself, in my case my body is tapping my brain on the shoulder reminding it what happens when we eat more than half a slice of pizza. I still indulge in a few potato chips but I listen to my body and stop at a few. That is the gift of WLS, you have to listen to your body as it is screaming in your ear.

With all of this healthy food around how could I not want to eat it. Removing the demon squash from the equation I have always liked veggies and have loved cooking. So last weekend I headed off to the Mill City Farmers Market for inspiration and contemplation.

First and foremost I was stunned by the tomatoes. Beefsteak and Green Zebra, they were everywhere. Then the corn, just picked and sweet and tender enough to entice the on the cob disliking Mr. Wilson into wanting another ear. First stop at the market is for sustenance. A single organic egg omelet with market fresh produce provided by Phil of Black Cat Natural foods. Filled with local veg and goat cheese it packs a pleasant punch of flavor as well as calcium and protein. Speaking of cheese. I headed down to Shepard's Way Farms to pick up some cheese. Now I understand if you live outside where I live you unlikely to come all this way for their cheese, which you should, its fantastic. My point is that Shepard's Way makes wonderful sheep's milk cheeses. A note about sheep's milk. Sheep's milk while it is slightly higher in fat than cows milk packs a wallop in the calcium category with nearly 2/3 more calcium than cows milk. In addition it also has more protein. I picked up their garlic sheep cheese spread and enjoyed it later with friends. The cheese is full flavored and with the addition of garlic a little dab will do you. Check out your local market and give sheep milk cheese a try. As always, eat responsibly.

But what about the parsnip? Stay tuned for that later this week as we explore Hanger Steak with Crispy Roast Parsnip.

Recipe for today:

Marinated Summer Cherry Tomatoes

Tomatoes are a good source of all kinds of goodness but try to buy them fresh and keep them unrefrigerated as once they get into the chill chest there flavor decreases and their texture suffers.

You will need:
1 lb of cherry tomatoes sliced or pierced with a fork
1/2 cup balsamic vinegar or red wine vineger
2 cloves of garlic
large handful of basil chopped plus 10 large leaves
2 tablespoons of olive oil
salt and pepper to taste
whiz the entirety minus the cherry tomato up in a blender and add with the tomatoes to a bowl. If you choose to guild the lily you can add bocconcini, tiny balls of mozzarella to the mix.
Let the mixture stand on the counter for at least 2 hours or overnight in the fridge and add torn basil leaves just before serving and adjust salt and pepper if needed.

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