20 September 2009

My Market and Me

I often talk about going to the farmers market, which for me is pretty much an every Saturday occurance.  I drag Mr. Wilson out of bed and we drive across the river to the Mill City Farmers Market.  Mill City hasn't always been my market, but now that she is near by, I have made her my own.
I understand that chances are good you don't live here in lovely Minneapolis, so if you don't go here or here to find a market to fall in love with.  So with that in mind, come along with me on a little photo tour of a few of my favorite places to stop at Mill City.

Sylvan Hills Farm produces some of the most beautiful certified organic produce.  Their carrots always amaze me.  A little factoid, orange carrots are a thing of fashion in the last 50 years.  Check out these heirloom variety's I snapped today.  Yes, those are all really carrots.

After we have oogled the veggies, Mr Wilson usually wants a snack, so we head over to see Neil Nguyen at Dim Sum Street.  He rocks out  bao and black sesame ice cream to name just a few things in a little tent on the plaza.   Today it was bbq pork bao and tiny spring rolls.  I met Neil years ago when he was my nail tech, all we would do was talk about food, where we had eaten and where we were going to eat.  I always admire his commitment to his food and his customers.

I have mentioned this next stop before but Sunrise Flour Mill does something special.  They grind the grain to make the flour so the flour you buy is fresh.  I finally got my graham flour from them along with another bag of whole wheat to experiment with.  They are working on mail order so keep an eye on their website.  They even carry the grain and the supplies so you can mill your own grain at home.

I will post more of the photo tour next week.  I hope you find a market to to feed your body and your soul.  Even after WLS I walk through the market and my mind is whirling. What can I do with this veg or that cheese that will be full of flavor, healthful and interesting.  After a trip to the market I come away nourished, a new bit of knowledge for my mind, a new food I hadn't thought about cooking.  The nourishment for my belly if often the tiny single egg "nomlet" that my island friends and neighbors who own Black Cat Natural foods make with only local in season ingredients like roasted peppers and local goat cheese. 

1 comment:

  1. Three cheers for the nomlet -- the most perfect example of its kind I have ever eaten!
